look at the cfparam tag

<cfparam name="form.sku" default="somesku" />

This effectively says, if form.sku is undefined, define it and set it to


On 3/11/07, Robert Reil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Here is a quickie:

I have a form.cfm
It posts to a formaction.cfm.
it works.

I copy the content of form.cfm to the top of formaction.cfm.
Save it.
using form.cfm puts me to formaction.cfm.
Another query using the form at the top of formaction.cfm works.
but if I close the browser and open it to formaction.cfm it errors with
 Element SKU is undefined in FORM.
  The error occurred in 
line 5*

3 : FROM carbs.products
4 : WHERE sku = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
*5 : value="#FORM.sku#" maxlength="40" />*
6 : </cfquery>
7 :
I understand this as a variable needs to be given to #form.sku# as it is passed 
from form.cfm to formaction.cfm and a closing of the browser breaks this 
variable having a value
The question is how would I assign an empty value to this variable to keep it 
from crashing upon opening the file?

Code snippet:
<cfquery name="product" datasource="carbs">
SELECT Product_ID, Name, SKU, Description1, Description2, Vend_Name, Image1, 
FROM carbs.products
WHERE sku = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
value="#FORM.sku#" maxlength="40" />
I would think that I should use a <cfif #FORM.sku#="" make FORM.sku = 0>
<cfelse #FORM.sku#>

I hope that makes sence and IM sure im on the right track but not clear. Some 
help would be awesome.

Guys... Im writing code! Im excited!! Yeah I know... Dumb NOOB!

 Robert P. Reil

Managing Director,

Motorcyclecarbs.com, Inc.

4292 Country Garden Walk NW

Kennesaw, Ga. 30152

Office 770-974-8851

Fax 770-974-8852


Douglas Knudsen
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