But what if the only really important data in the app is the initial login 
credential? If the other data besides that is not sensitive, isn't it sort 
of a waste?

Shawn Gorrell
Web Development Applications Architect
Federal Reserve Bank - Atlanta
Office (404)  498-8449

"Dean H. Saxe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/18/2007 08:11 AM
Please respond to


Re: [ACFUG Discuss] problem with session variables (i think) - DISREGARD I 

Actually, if you use SSL at all, you need to use if from the  beginning to 
the end of the session.  Otherwise all of the value of SSL is lost once 
the user begins transmitting his session tokens (JSESSIONID) across an 
insecure link.


Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
Here in America everything is bought and sold, you can get anything for 
little bits of gold.
We'll rape the earth and ruin the air, cut down every tree from here to 
    -- Donna The Buffalo "America"

On May 18, 2007, at 1:21 AM, Dusty Hale wrote:

I did solve this on my own and apologize for the emails but just in case 
you were wondering or if anyone else ever runs into this:
After revamping the entire app with Client Scope instead of Session Scope 
and the issue was still there, I knew it had to be something else other 
than the variables themselves. This is what was happening to cause the 
1. I set some variables in application.cfm to set the "secure (https)" and 
"nonsecure (http)" urls for the application.
2. On my local server these are the same because I don't have SSL set up. 
That's why it works fine there.
3. HostMySite.com shared hosting has a "shared SSL URL" which I was using.
4. when moving in and out of secure and nonsecure URLs the sessions are 
not the same of course. Hence the issue.
Solution: until an SSL certificate is acquired to run SSL under the same 
domain, I think I need to not move back out of SSL until the session has 
ended (user logs out). Looks like I get to keep the Session Scope for 
now :-) ...
Sorry to bother everyone's ears/eyes on this.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dusty Hale
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 12:20 AM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: FW: [ACFUG Discuss] problem with session variables (i think)

I also added a StuctClear() to my logout code but even with that somehow 
the session values are remaining when I run this code in shared hosting 
Again it all works fine on my local server. I've googled this issue to 
death this evening with nothing that works :-(
<cflock scope="session" type="exclusive" timeout="5">
 <cfset temp = StructClear(session)>
 <cfset session.user_accountid = "">
 <cfset session.user_name = "">
 <cfset session.user_firstname = "">
 <cfset session.user_lastname = "">
Shouldn't this block of code set the variables to "empty strings" on all 
pages throughout the application (it does on my local server)? Am I 
missing something? Cursed? Or just going crazy? Mabey all of the above!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dusty Hale
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:59 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] problem with session variables (i think)

I have a strange problem going on with the use of session variables. If 
anyone knows of something I may be doing wrong here, please let me know.
1. I'm diligent about <cflock>ing them.
2. They work fine on my local development server (installed on my laptop).
3. When I use the code on a shared cf hosting plan (at hostmysite.com) 
they get real buggy like pages are not reading the correct values of the 
variables. Basically all I'm using them for is to hold some "login 
session" information. In my logout code the variables get set to empty 
strings and the code on other screens that checks the session variables 
for the presence of an accountid and username set seems to still think the 
variables have values other than empty strings (even after the logout code 
is run).
Here is my logout code:
<cflock scope="session" type="exclusive" timeout="5">
 <cfset session.user_accountid = "">
 <cfset session.user_name = "">
 <cfset session.user_firstname = "">
 <cfset session.user_lastname = "">
Here is the code on the other screens that still thinks the session 
variables have values other than empty strings (after the logout code is 
<!--- set accountid and user level to local variables --->
<cflock scope="session" type="readonly" timeout="5">
<cfset variables.user_accountid = session.user_accountid>
<cfset variables.user_level = session.user_level>
<!--- if no account id user is not logged in --->
<cfif not len(variables.user_accountid)>
 <cflocation url="#application.url_secure#login.cfm" addtoken="no">
1. Am I doing something wrong? I don't think so but let me know if you see 
2. Could this be some kind of strange cache issue.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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