Red-faced, I am now compelled to report that my mistake with getElementById was that the elements reporting this error had no ID, but only a NAME. Duh!

Internet Explorer evidently decided to be more forgiving on this point - at least that's my excuse for not noticing it...

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Feb 18, 2008 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Another Question From Rip Van Winkle

never had any issues using getElementById (yes casing was wrong)...

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Steven, did mean Firefox supports *parentNode* instead of getElementById? My Firefox always complains of an error whenever it sees getElementById.

Or is there perhaps a different spelling for Firefox? (not likely, right?) The last letter in getElementById is lower case, not upper case as you have it. But of course you meant to type it as lower case, right?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ross
Sent: Feb 18, 2008 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Another Question From Rip Van Winkle

I have been using YUI (yahoo) library, it works well and has some nice built in cross browser functionality.

firefox supports getElementByID and the childNodes property... they performa a little differently than in IE.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
First, I believe I already have Firebug: when Firefox tells me I have an error (lower righthand corner) I can click on that and see lots of info about it; and which I click on the '^' in that panel, it morphs into a window with 'Firebug' in its title. But I don't see how that helps me with navigation in the actual code I'm writing. Or do you mean navigation as in exploring the document while I'm debugging?

Second, Doug, which of those frameworks would you recommend? In its documentation, Adobe refers to Spry from time to time...

I still have my question about how to re-write my particular functions (or properties to be precise) Firefox-style. Thanks for the info that parentNode = parentElement, but what about the other two?

Incidentally, to most of you write web pages full of code like 'if IE to this, if NS do that'? I hope there's a way to escape from that! I've had a free ride on this so far since all my websites belonged to an INTRAnet inside a NYC goverment agency which  standardized on IE...

Or is that what a framework would encapsulate? And if I use that, would I be able to read my own code?

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Knudsen
Sent: Feb 18, 2008 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Another Question From Rip Van Winkle

I suggest looking at using a framework.  This would be a Good Thing as it would encapsulate these issues for you.  Frameworks for JS include Spry, Dojo, JQuery, and the list could go on and on.


On Feb 18, 2008 9:44 AM, Steven Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
First go get firebug for firefox... that will help you with the dom navigation.

Firefox parentElement = parentNode 

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello again from the CF5 programmer trying to catch up.

I always used to write for Internet Explorer, and did so again after my return to programming a few months ago, resulting in what is by now a rather complex site. Many CF (and other internet-based) programmers have told me since then that I should have written for Firefox, and I now wish I had, because of it's debugging abilities. But...

How easy will it be to convert my existing code to run on Firefox? Specifically, there are three functions I'm making heavy use of:

1. getElementById
2. parentElement
3. children[]

According to my latest DOM book (O'Reilly, published 1998 - yes, I know I need a new one) none of these exists in Netscape (same as Firefox, right?). And sure enough I get error messages at least with the first one (I never get past there to the others). So my question is:

What is the Firefox way to do each of them? (According to my O'Reilly book, document.all[] doesn't exist in Netscape, either.)

One catch is: I would very much like to avoid giving unique names to everything, for two reasons:

1. There are lots and lots of them. This is a roll-my-own HIERARCHICAL grid of sorts with buttons to insert and delete new rows on both of two levels.

2. All my update code makes heavy use of the fact that, when items in a form have the same name (as they do in each successive row in my grid), CF sends up the values as a comma-delimited list of values which I then loop through.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help,

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