I do the same thing ... that is run cfmail tags from my local pc. I have a
hosting account with HostMySite.com and as long as I use the server name,
username, and password, it works great even from my local server on my
Don't know if that is an option for you ... a cheap hosting account that is


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peyton Todd
Sent: 03/20/2008 2:52 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] How does one use <cfmail>?

Yes, Shane, it turned out to be in the CF Administrator logs. And the
problem was the username and password. (Doug, I did read the material at the
url you provided, and now I've read it again; I still don't see anything I
don't already know about other than the password issue, which of course I
read about earlier, but didn't yet know if it would bite me...).

Anyway, I called USA.net and was told that their server is indeed
restricted, and they'll try to co-ordinate the password issue with a third
party (a middleman between them and my client). But in any case it's not
clear that I'll have access to that username and password myself. In testing
it from my home, does anyone know of a mail server that's not restricted in
this way?

Or is there some 'local mail server' on my PC? As I mentioned, when I look
into the Mail icon in the Control Panel there are no profiles there. I could
put one there if I knew what to enter...


-----Original Message----- 
From: Dusty Hale 
Sent: Mar 20, 2008 2:03 PM 
To: discussion@acfug.org 
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] How does one use ? 

It really has nothing to do with the sender's server or the recipient
server. You just need a mail server that will allow your application access
it. A lot of mail servers are set up to not allow that kind of thing or
otherwise we could just be using anyone's mail server in our cfmail tag. 
If you do use your own mail server then you may also need to pass in the
username and password for the email your email box. Did you try that? I
believe there are additional attributes username="blabla" password="blabla"
... give that a try if you haven't already done so. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peyton Todd
Sent: 03/20/2008 2:01 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] How does one use <cfmail>?

No luck so far. The company which allegedly handles their e-mail (USA.net)
tells me the SMTP server to use is exchange.usa.net, and at least when I
enter that in the 'mail' dialog of the CF Administrator, then put a check by
Verify Mail Server Connection and submit it, it does respond with Connection
Verification Successful. But whether I use server='exchange.usa.net' in the
<cfmail> tag, or just let it use what's in the CF Adminstrator, the office
manager at my client's site tells me he sees nothing from me in his e-mail
Inbox. (I have my e-mail address in the from='<sender'> parm of the tag, and
my name in the subject line parm of the tag). 

If we assume that this means what I was given as the SMTP server name is
incorrect, how do I find the correct name? I'll be at their site tomorrow
and can look on their server, but where would I look? The guy at the USA.net
help desk said the place to look is in the mail icon in Settings --> Control
Panel. He said there should be profiles there with the correct information.
However, when I click the Mail icon there on my own computer just to educate
myself, there are not profiles to be seen. And when I called the office
manager at the client's place of business and asked him to look for the Mail
icon in Settings --> Control Panel on their web server, he said he could
find no such icon in the Control Panel. (I'm almost certain that PC is
running Windows Server 2003, while I'm running XP Professional.)

Also, I'm unclear as to whose server we're talking about here: the one used
by the sender or the one used by the recipient of the e-mail message?


-----Original Message----- 
From: Dusty Hale 
Sent: Mar 19, 2008 11:28 PM 
To: discussion@acfug.org 
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] How does one use ? 

Also I assume you will be moving the app to a different server after you
test it locally. Where ever you host it at should be able to provide you
with an SMTP server name to use. If you plan to use the "server" attribute
rather than configuring it in cf admin, you might consider setting a
variable in your application.cfm file with the value of the server name so
you can easily change it. Or better yet you might do something like:
<cfif cgi.server_name is "localhost">
  <cfset request.mymailserver = "mail.someserver.com">
<cfelseif cgi.server_name is "somedomain.com" or cgi.server_name is
    <cfset request.mymailserver = "mail.someotherserver.com">
    <!--- throw some kind of error --->
then in your cfmail tag do
<cfmail to="blabla" from="blabla" subject="hello world"
bla bla
And if you have multiple instances of cfmail you might do the same for the
to and from email addresses.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Douglas Knudsen
Sent: 03/19/2008 11:11 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] How does one use <cfmail>?

typically the server stuff is set in the admin, thus encapsulating the
developer from needing that info.  Check out

You will need the email servers SMTP info.  I doubt you will be able to send
email vial mail.earthlink.net though due to relaying restrictions.  Is your
client using a host? 


On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This question will probably be easy for nearly every ACFUGGER except me:

 I want to use the <cfmail> tag, and my question is: what do they mean by
the 'server'? For example, in testing the site I'm building on my own PC as
local server, I plan to send the e-mail messages from the site I'm building
to myself. My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], so that's how I'm
filling in the to="<recipient>" parameter of <cfmail> (Incidentally, does
the from="<sender>" parameter make any difference if the recipient will not
be replying? In this case the recipient will be the office manager on the
same LAN as the web server itself, and he'll always know where the e-mails
come from).

But the hard part is what to put for the server. I've tried
webmail.atl.earthlink.net, which is were I get my e-mail. And I've tried
just earthlink.net by itself, and just mindspring.com. But nothing appears
in my e-mail inbox, not even a message from the MAILER DAEMON, which ought
to know where to send such a message (of ColdFusion should know, since I've
specified from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Thanks for your help,

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