I need to provide a reporting capability for the website I'm writing. My first attempt has been to write a PDF using <cfdocument>, then print it with <cfprint>. The first step was successful, and the document so produced can be loaded to a web page and printed successfuly from there, but the invocation of the <cfprint> tag produces no output - and no error message - even though the Print Log in the administrator lists all the attempted documents. It is true that it does not list them as 'Printed' but only as 'Started'. But where are they? All the entries in the Win XP Printers and Faxes window show 0 reports in the queue...
I'm exploring other options, including loading the PDF to another window and letting the user print from there using the print button provided by Adobe in that window. But what could be the problem with my use of <cfprint>? I'm invoking it with the bare minimum of parameters, i.e., as <cfprint filename="MyReport.pdf" type="PDF" overwrite="yes">. Thanks for your suggestions. Peyton ------------------------------------------------------------- Annual Sponsor FigLeaf Software - http://www.figleaf.com To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ http://www.acfug.org?fa=login.edituserform For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/ List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com -------------------------------------------------------------