I was trying to put together a CFGRID as part of a business case to upgrade
to CF8 at my company.  I've played with it before and have a working example
and when I try to recreate it using different component and data I get this
message in the CFdebug, "window:*global*: Exception thrown and not caught"

Here is my code broken down to as simplistic as possible and I'm still
getting it:

<cfform name="myform">
   <cfgrid name="reportsGrid" format="html" pageSize="5" selectmode="row"

                  <cfgridcolumn name="POreqid" display="No"/>
     <cfgridcolumn name="formnumber" header="formnumber">
     <cfgridcolumn name="project_number" header="Project">
     <cfgridcolumn name="project_name" header="Project Name">
     <cfgridcolumn name="market" header="Market">
     <cfgridcolumn name="request_by" header="Request By">

the function I'm calling:

 <CFFUNCTION name="GetPOsCF8" access="remote">
      <cfargument name="page" required="yes">
      <cfargument name="pageSize" required="yes">
      <cfargument name="gridsortcolumn" required="yes">
      <cfargument name="gridsortdirection" required="yes">
      <CFQUERY name="q" datasource="#REQUEST.dsn#">
       SELECT POreqid, formnumber, project_number, project_name, market,
   FROM tblacct_POrequests
    <cfif gridsortcolumn neq ''>
            order by #gridsortcolumn# #gridsortdirection#
      <cfreturn queryconvertforgrid(q,page,pagesize)/>

that's all of my code.  Can somebody please tell me what I'm missing or
doing wrong?


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