Peyton, here's a few questions to think about.
- Have you tried hitting the URL for the generated PDF in the web browser to
see if you get an error or something?
- Does this happen in just one browser or all (Firefox, IE, etc.)?
- If you can see this happen in Firefox, try turning on the error console
(Tools > Error Console) to see if something shows up there.
- Does he have a popup blocker installed that the other computers don't?

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Peyton Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear Colleagues,
> This could be a tough one to solve. But maybe not. My website has three
> reports, all three accomplished by loading a PDF into a child browser
> window. The report process works fine on every computer it has been tested
> on except one (wouldn't you know it): the boss's computer. On his computer,
> the child window opens, but then, instead of the report displaying in it,
> the child window suddenly closes, and the user is taken back to the login
> screen.
> (In one of the three reports, the PDF will already exist, while in the
> other two it gets built dynamically; however this seems not to matter since
> the same error happens for all three reports.)
> The javascript for one of the latter two reports is:
> function Print(jn){
>   url = 'printJob.cfm?jn=' + jn;
>   win.focus();
>   win.moveTo(80,80);
>   }
> And printJob.cfm looks like this:
> <cfset filename = UCase(Session.username) & ".PDF">
> <cfdocument format="PDF" filename="#filename#" overwrite="yes">
> -- a lot of ColdFusion tags and HTML goes here --
> </cfdocument>
> <cflocation url="#filename#">
> Here's a clue: The behavior is probably somehow related to application.cfm.
> I have recently noticed a strange behavior which wasn't happening in earlier
> versions: when the child browser window opens, and while printJob.cfm is
> still building the #filename#, the login window opens inside the child
> browser window, but then as soon as #filename# gets built, it appears in the
> child browser window just as it should, supplanting the login window which
> had appeared there.
> application.cfm looks like this:
> <cfapplication name="Reporters" sessionmanagement="Yes"
>   setclientcookies="Yes" sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,45,15)#"
>        applicationtimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,1,0)#">
> <cflock scope='Session' type='Exclusive' timeout='30'>
>  <cfparam name='Session.LoggedIn' Default='False'>
> </cflock>
> <!-- If the user isn't logged in and they aren't currently on the login
> page, send them to the login page -->
> <cflock scope='Session' type='Readonly' timeout="30">
> <cfif not Session.LoggedIn>
>  <cfif cgi.script_name is not '/Reporters/ReporterLogin.cfm'>
>          <cflocation url='/Reporters/ReporterLogin.cfm'>
>        </cfif>
> </cfif>
> </cflock>
> However, there is no way users can get to the button(s) which run reports
> unless they are logged in. And the process of building the reports never
> takes as long as 30 seconds. Even if it did, that all happens on the server,
> and should have nothing to do which which client computer the report is run
> from.
> What could be wrong here?
> Thanks for your help.
> Peyton
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