I'm going to watch Josh's presentation via Connect as I couldn't attend the
meeting last night. 
But, with all the interest in this topic, I thought I should share my
experiences. I was really excited about the new PDF stuff in CF8 as I had an
immediate need. I jumped in with both feet last fall and it was a lot harder
than I thought it should be, but I finally got things working.
But ...
1. These functions don't work well and sometimes not at all on a shared
host. I posted a test page at http://www.resultantsys.com/formprint to show
you what I mean. 
Now, I know I'm not that great at CFML, but this is a pretty simple page. It
does use the more complex ProcessDDX. But, all it does is put a footer at
the bottom of the page.
It works perfectly on my development machine. But, on the shared host, it
fails with an ugly error. It did work for a month or two on the shared host,
but not for the last 6 months. 
I think Adobe should warn people about CF functions that are not recommended
unless you have a dedicated server.
2. Some of the CF PDF functions are very CPU-intensive. Also, not good on a
shared server.
3. The tools to create PDFs with fields that can be populated and data that
can be extracted are very hard to use. Adobe did come out with an update,
but I haven't upgraded yet. So, this may be better now. But Acrobat Pro and
Livecycle Designer are very inconsistent and do not work well together.
Also, there are different DOM and programming models. It's like trying to
develop a cross-platform AJAX application for two browsers that have almost
nothing in common. 
Anyway, I didn't mean to just vent. But, I did want to warn you about some
of the pitfalls.
And, I'm hoping that Josh can show me how to make this work or get it to the
right people at Adobe!

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