Thanks guys,

That suggestion really helped. I am getting rid of wddx and I will run the
query on target system.


On 8/6/08, Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  : I didnt know, you cannot send structure var in form post. So I guess I
> have to
> :  use wddx.
> You can use wddx and plop it all in one field as a piece of text, or you
> can take apart your structure and send all your fields individually:
> <cfhttp method="post" url="";
>         port="8500"
>         throwonerror="Yes">
>     <cfhttpparam name="company_id" type="FormField"
>  value="abc">
>     <cfhttpparam name="employee_id" type="FormField"
>  value="232">
> </cfhttp>
> This will result in a neat structure (form) on the receiving end. Just
> think of it as your CF server acting as a browser: a struct (or object or
> query etc.) cannot exist in a browser, it only exists on the server and as
> such, CF cannot post that variable to another page.
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