I've got a similar example on my blog:


On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Mike Staver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm attempting to have a Div containing a table and some other good stuff
> slide out over the top of a cfchart based graph that is output into flash.
>  I've been digging and digging trying to find a solution to how to make
> the chart obey the z-index value of it's parent Div.  I know this has been
> a problem in the past, and one solution I tried is placing the cfchart
> into a cfsavecontent and running this:
> <CFSET variables.chartContent = Replace(variables.chartContent, "http://";,
> "https://";, "all")>
> <CFSET variables.chartContent = Replace(variables.chartContent, "<EMBED",
> '<EMBED style="wmode: transparent; z-index: 1"', "all")>
> The page I'm working with will always be viewed over port 443 / SSL which
> is why I have the other replace in there.  I'm obviously doing something
> incorrect with the wmode bit - and I can't find any answers via various
> google searches.
> Has anyone on the list solved this one before? Adobe's forums are a
> massive pain to search anymore so I'm not finding much help there.
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Darin Kohles
RIA Developer

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