any luck? did you make progress on this one?

<Ajas Mohammed />
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Shane <> wrote:

>  Here is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response for this service.
> POST /services/gmap/Mapservice.asmx HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: *length*
> SOAPAction: "";
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""; 
> xmlns:xsd=""; 
> xmlns:soap="";>
>   <soap:Header>
>     <CredentialSoapHeader xmlns="";>
>       <Username>*string*</Username>
>       <Password>*string*</Password>
>     </CredentialSoapHeader>
>   </soap:Header>
>   <soap:Body>
>     <GetPlayDefinition xmlns="";>
>       <WMSPlayDefinitionID>*int*</WMSPlayDefinitionID>
>     </GetPlayDefinition>
>   </soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: *length*
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""; 
> xmlns:xsd=""; 
> xmlns:soap="";>
>   <soap:Body>
>     <GetPlayDefinitionResponse xmlns="";>
>       <GetPlayDefinitionResult>*string*</GetPlayDefinitionResult>
>     </GetPlayDefinitionResponse>
>   </soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
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