This is off topic - but I thought I would throw it in for free:
Forcing an extended character set (upper case, numbers, special characters)
on the user frequently does not lead to good security.  
First, from the mathematical side, the length of the password has much more
bearing on how difficult it is to crack than the added complexity gained
from using an extended character set.  So sliggyfiverbotgar  is much harder
to crack than ^%tgYh.  As a practical matter, passwords longer than 10
characters are not generally breakable - even when composed of mostly
English words.  Each extra character adds so many permutations that you need
to be the NSA to brute force longer passwords.
On the social engineering side.  If you force average users to use an
extended character set they have a hard time remembering them.  If they
can't easily remember them they write them down and all too frequently post
them next to their monitor.  It's all a balancing act - and it varies by
situation.  I usually go for what you have - minimum of 8 characters, with
at least one number.  Sometimes I require mixed case also.  I don't force
special characters as that tends to make too many users write down their


From: [] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:28 AM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Password CFinput regular expression - throws
alert/error after correction also

Hi there,

I have this code which checks if password is strong i.e. atleast 8
characters long, consiting of one Upper case and one Lower case and one
Number.and if not alerts the user about it. I am using a regular expression
to do this as u can see from code below. The problem is that once the alert
is displayed, even if the user corrects the error and enters a strong
password, the error alert does not go away. For example, if i entered
password for the first time, then obviously I will get alert saying password
is not strong. Then, afterwards if i correct password to be lets say
Leave1234 which is 9 chars, has one uppper case, one lower case and has a
number also, I still end up getting password not strong message. I tried
removing onBlur,OnSubmit one at a time but doesnt work.

Any ideas????

Here is the code

New Password:
     <!--- some possible regular expressions i used new_password --->
      <!--- ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$ or  --->
     <cfinput type="password" name="new_password"
validateat="onBlur,onSubmit,onServer" message="Your password is not strong.
Your password should be atleast 8 characters long, consiting of one Upper
case and one Lower case and one Number." >
<Ajas Mohammed />
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