ThanksI'm on Foundstone and based on SiteScope's description this might be
what I need.

Dean, after you've downloaded the SiteScope, how do you automate the process
so it traverses the entire site?


On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Dean H. Saxe

> You can try Foundstone's SiteScope: under free tools.
>  Not sure it meets all your needs and it has some limitations, but it might
> work for you.
> Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
> "What difference does it make to the dead,  the orphans, and the homeless,
> whether the  mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or
> the holy name of  liberty and democracy? "
>    --Gandhi
> On Mar 10, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Emile Melbourne wrote:
>  Hey Guys,
>> I've got a quick question I wanted to throw out.
>> Are there any great apps or web services out there that will generate a
>> website's sitemap and give a relatively accurate count of the number of
>> pages in that site.
>> Just plug in any site's URL and off it goes.
>> For Coldfusion sites, will this app or web service be able to count
>> dynamically created pages as well.
>> Finally, as a bonus but not a necessity
>> Can the app or service generate results in a graphical display.
>> Thanks in advance guys.
>> Emile Melbourne
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