Well, I don't use ColdBox myself, so I can't answer your question about
whether CB expects one to use an ORM. Maybe someone else can chime here, or
again the CB list/forum would be a great place to ask. I just wanted to
clarify that one point about it not needing transfer or coldpsring to do
development. I just had not heard that, in the mild exploration I've done of


Good to hear of your enjoyment of CFWheels.  I'll look forward to what you
share about that transition.




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Clarke Bishop
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:15 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning a ColdFusion Framework: Update


Thanks Charlie for the clarifications!


I'm sure that I don't have the perspective to do a rigorous evaluation of
ColdBox or any framework for that matter. I did see some samples that
assumed Coldspring and Transfer. And, I don't understand how else you would
manage dependencies and ORM within ColdBox. 


I know that technically, you don't need to use ORM/database as part of a
framework, but all the apps I'm interested in would need that ability. So,
if there's some built-in ORM in ColdBox, please let me know.


To me, CFWheels just made more sense. It let me focus on learning MVC and it
handles all the ORM & dependency stuff for me. And, I got a lot out of that
Head First Rails book, too. There are a lot of Rails apps to use as
examples, and I'm currently trying to port some over to CFML.


I'm still very impressed with ColdBox. It seems very complete, and I think
it's a lot more powerful than CFWheels and maybe any of the other
frameworks, too. It's just that it seemed too much for where I am on my
learning curve. If I decide to move on from CFWheels, ColdBox would by my
first choice alternative!




p.s. I haven't been blogging much on my Resultant website, but I have been
blogging on other topics! The 2003 posts were originally articles on my old
website. I've been interested in Rich Internet Apps and web technology for a
long time. I originally wrote that web app article for some people at
BellSouth. In the old days, my development team used CF 1.5 for a prototype
back in 1996, and we used jrun for a while, too!

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