I'm very curious to know which ColdFusion blog is the most preferred in the
CF community. I've read some really good things about Mango Blog.

I've been given the task of redesigning and reorganizing a blog for the
company I'm currently working for. We currently have an older version WP
blog. Several problems that I've been asked by my boss to solve:

1. We want a tighter integration with our existing website which is a custom
site built with CF and MS SQL 2005. It has very custom and specialized
features including it's own login system (Permission based using bitAnd that
Hal Helms taught me years ago). The folks at our office never liked the WP
blog because it has its own user system and we were never able to tie it to
our user system (shared login type of thing). Maybe the new blog doesn't
even need a login. We'd also like to output posts on our other websites
which are all CF sites. Mango seems like a good fit because we can keep the
blog data in the same SQL Server database so I'm assuming I could use CF to
output posts directly in the skin of our other sites?

2. I need a blog that I can customize the look with our existing website
skin. I also have to say that I suck at doing pure CSS layouts so I still
use tables. I do use CSS just not in a pure layout. If that is a problem, I
may even outsource that to a person with solid CSS layout skills.

3. Our older WP blog honestly is just too much for any of our staff to use.
Everytime they try to post stuff they always manage to screw up the
formatting of have some kind of issue and I end up redoing every post they
make. I hate web based WSIWYG editors so I just code a post with hand coded
clean HTML and inline CSS styles in every tag. I do it in DW and copy paste
it over into WP.

Anyway I am not a pro blogger nor do I claim to have great blogging
knowledge. Any thoughts or opinions are greatly appreciated and please if I
can somehow return the favor or contribute in some way, please let me know.

Also just to let everyone know. I lived and worked as a CF developer in
Atlanta for some years and used to occasionally attend ACFUG meetings. It's
been some time since Atlanta and I'm living and traveling in places where
there are little to no technical user groups like this. So technically I'm
not in Atlanta anymore but I'm looking to be more involved with one or more
groups like this remotely. So if there are any little things I can do to
help, I'm down with that.


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