
I came across code like this

<cfquery name="getSomething" datasource="test">
   select col1,col2,col3 from tbl where condition

Now, instead of using <cfoutput query="getSomething"> col1 <br /> col2 <br
/> col3 <br /> </cfoutput>,
the code uses <cfoutput>getSomething.col1 <br /> getSomething.col2 <br />
getSomething.col3 <br /> </cfoutput>

The code in blue would do ONLY ONE CALL to query and display results.

My take is that, the code in red is executing the query every time col1 thru
col3 are referenced with query name. Is this correct? Also if
getSomethingwas a cfprocresult name, the stored proc would be executed
for every
reference to stored proc name.colname right?


<Ajas Mohammed />
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