Will any of the "non primary" documents be associated with more than one
primary document?

Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Donna Martin <> wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Normally, I would not hesitate to create a self-join on an Oracle
> table.  However, in this instance, people from Africa are going to be using
> the ColdFusion/Oracle site that I am creating on a very regular
> basis.  Their bandwidth is abominable.
> The plan is to sort documents based on document type and its association
> with another documents.  As an example, I will be listing a procedure (SOP),
> and if record exists, all addenda, appendices, etc (DocumentTypes) -- hence,
> the self-join.
> The table will not be huge-- between 2 - 3 thousand records.  Is the
> performance hit going to be great (Think 'very low' bandwidth here)?
> To make matters worse, there are also 3 types of training documents
> that can be associated with the same primary document (the procedure in the
> above example).  At this point, I have opted to put these into another table
> with an FK to avoid using more self-joins.
> Is this the best way to go?  Let me know if you need more details.  I'm at
> a standstill until I get this resolved...
> Thanks much.
> Donna
> PS  It's been a long time since I have posted to this group...miss the
> interaction!

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