
Thanks a million, may the code Gods continue to bless you!

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Ajas Mohammed <ajash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ok, the problem is xmlsize which is set to 1, thats why you get one result
> set.
> Here is what I used xmlsize =
> (xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults..XmlAttributes.size);
> //HotelAvailabilityListResults is the parent tree
> Full code here. FYI, the valueadds is not available in all elements so that
> will throw error. I have commented that line.
> Also, line 15 16 were giving errors so i had to modify little bit.
> working code
> <cfhttp url="
> http://merchandising.expediaaffiliate.com/campaign/?campaignId=5409&cid=311009";
> method="GET">
> <cfscript>
>     xmlfile = xmlparse(cfhttp.filecontent); //Parses the XML
>     xmlsize = (xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.XmlAttributes.size);
> //HotelAvailabilityListResults is the parent tree
>     xmlqry = QueryNew("Hotelid, name, city, promodescription, valueadds,
> displayroomrate"); //Sets a query for output
>     QueryAddRow(xmlqry,xmlsize);
>     for(a=1;a LTE xmlsize;a=a+1) {
> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"hotelid",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].xmlAttributes.hotelid,a);
> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"hotelid",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].hotelid.xmlText,a);
>         //xmlfile.Tutorials.TutorialID[a].Title.xmlText gets the text of
> the title for the current tutorial (xmlText)
> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"name",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].name.xmlText,a);
> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"city",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].city.xmlText,a);
> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"promodescription",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].HotelProperty.promodescription.xmlText,a);
> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"valueadds",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].HotelProperty.valueadds.xmlText,a);
> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"displayroomrate",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel.HotelProperty[a].xmlAttributes.id,a);
>         //xmlfile.Tutorials.TutorialID[a].xmlAttributes.id gets the value
> of the attribute in the tag
>     }
> </cfscript>
> <cfdump var = "#xmlsize#">
> <cfdump var = "#xmlqry#">
> <cfquery name="tutorials" dbtype="query">
>     SELECT        *
>     FROM           xmlqry
>     ORDER BY     hotelid DESC
> </cfquery>
> <cfoutput query="tutorials">
>   #name# #promodescription#
>     <br><br>
> </cfoutput>
> hope that helps. :-)
> <Ajas Mohammed />
> http://ajashadi.blogspot.com
> We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
> No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
> You can't improve what you don't measure.
> Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
> sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
> the wise choice of many alternatives.
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Michael Brown 
> <singleconce...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> Stuck on trying to get an XML query to display more than one record.
>>  Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.  There are 5 records in the file.
>> The code is listed below, any suggestions would be helpful.
>> Thanks
>> <cfhttp url="
>> http://merchandising.expediaaffiliate.com/campaign/?campaignId=5409&cid=311009";
>> method="GET">
>> <cfscript>
>>     xmlfile = xmlparse(cfhttp.filecontent); //Parses the XML
>>     xmlsize = arraylen(xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults);
>> //HotelAvailabilityListResults is the parent tree
>>     xmlqry = QueryNew("Hotelid, name, city, promodescription, valueadds,
>> displayroomrate"); //Sets a query for output
>>     QueryAddRow(xmlqry,xmlsize);
>>     for(a=1;a LTE xmlsize;a=a+1) {
>> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"hotelid",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].xmlAttributes.hotelid,a);
>> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"hotelid",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].hotelid.xmlText,a);
>>         //xmlfile.Tutorials.TutorialID[a].Title.xmlText gets the text of
>> the title for the current tutorial (xmlText)
>> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"name",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].name.xmlText,a);
>> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"city",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel[a].city.xmlText,a);
>> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"promodescription",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel.HotelProperty[a].promodescription.xmlText,a);
>> QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"valueadds",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel.HotelProperty[a].valueadds.xmlText,a);
>> //QuerySetCell(xmlqry,"displayroomrate",xmlfile.HotelAvailabilityListResults.hotel.HotelProperty[a].xmlAttributes.id,a);
>>         //xmlfile.Tutorials.TutorialID[a].xmlAttributes.id gets the value
>> of the attribute in the tag
>>     }
>> </cfscript>
>> <cfquery name="tutorials" dbtype="query">
>>     SELECT        *
>>     FROM           xmlqry
>>     ORDER BY     hotelid DESC
>> </cfquery>
>> <cfoutput query="tutorials">
>>   #name# #promodescription#
>>     <br><br>
>> </cfoutput>

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