
The last month I have encountered a few performance issues. About 3 times a week I am getting a "The Request has exceeded the maximum time limit." It is happening on different pages and different tags. I know I can probably increase the global timeout value, but I would rather fix any real issue instead.

Here is the question... We are on a small budget, I can get the owner to spring some cash, if it is really necessary. What would be my best option to find out the root cause of the issues? We are using CF9 Standard. I know the performance monitor in enterprise is decent, but for the $6000 upgrade cost, he won't be happy if it does not get me to the right results. (he'll deal with it, but I wouldn't like spending that much if I don't get my answer.)

Is fusion reactor a better choice than the CF9 Enterprise upgrade?

Does anyone else know other good choices?

Right now my *guess* is that our large picture based pdf files are being created at the same time limiting overall resources slowing down the other pages. It would be nice to see what the resources are on the machine at the time of the error. To add to the complexity, IIS and MySQL are all running on the same server. (It is a small enough site, I have never seen more the 300MB of RAM allocated to MySQL.)


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