I don't know anything about cfchart itself, but here are some comments that may help: 1 - I don't see in your code where the Y-axis label is actually specified, so it's hard to know specifically what to suggest. 2 - One easy way to eliminate problems with spaces is -- don't use them! Instead, use the underscore character. This is fairly common practice in many other situations where spaces cause problems. Another commonly used method for eliminating spaces is to start each word with a capital letter and run the words together. 3 - Once you decide about how you want to deal with space characters, you can then write CF code to find them and make an appropriate substitution, if the label can't be controlled at input.

Forrest C. Gilmore

On 10/24/2011 10:57 AM, Jeff Howard wrote:
The board has been very very quiet over the past few weeks so I figured I would try one more time on this as it is still an open issue for me. I have a report that I am generating that utilizes a horizontal bar cfchart. I am having an issue with the styling of the y-axis.

The problem is that if there is a space in the label it creates a carriage return. Here is the xml code that I'm using to style:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<frame xDepth="8" outline="#666666"/>
<labelStyle isHideOverlapped="false" orientation="Horizontal"/>
<titleStyle font="Arial-12-bold" isMultiline="false"/>
<yAxis scaleMin="0">
<labelStyle isMultiline="false"/>
<elements place="Stacked" drawShadow="false" shapeSize="55">
<morph morph="Grow"/>
<dataLabels foreground="black" isMultiline="false"/>
<popup decoration="RoundShadow" background="white" foreground="black" isMultiline="false"/>
<decoration style="RoundShadow"/>
<colLabels isMultiline="false"/>
<rowLabels font="Arial Black-12" foreground="black" isMultiline="false"/>
<paint palette="Dawn" paint="Light" isVertical="false" min="47" max="83"/>
<insets left="10" top="10" right="10" bottom="10"/>

I've tried using WebCharts to resolve the issue but can't seem to figure it out. Any help?

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