Anyone know how to make WORD recognize text as a footer that Word will
place on the bottom of each page?
I'm cheating and adding a "footer" at the end of the document.  But this
is not a true footer, it won't appear at the bottom of each page.

        <cfmail from="#getProperty('emailFrom')#" to="#local.emailTo#"
subject="#local.emailSubject#" type="html">
          <cfif cgi.server_name CONTAINS "rtfustst" OR cgi.server_name
CONTAINS "AY003"  OR cgi.server_name CONTAINS "AY004">
            This email would normally go to #local.ownerName#
            You may edit the documents in this package anytime within
the next #local.editPeriodRemaining# days.
            <cfset arguments.event.setArg("emailConfirmationMsg", "You
may edit the documents in this package anytime within the next
#local.editPeriodRemaining# days." )>

          <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(session.attachments)#"
            <cfif local.packageContentsFormatted[local.i][2] DOES NOT
CONTAIN "Checklist"><!--- If the doc is a PD (and not a checklist), add
a footer --->
              <cfset local.PDID = local.qPositionDescriptions.pdid
              <cfset local.pdFooter = getPositionDescriptionDAO
                <cfset variables.docContents = session.attachments
[local.i][1] & '<br clear="all">' & local.pdFooter>
                <cfset variables.docContents = session.attachments
                <cfmailparam file="#session.attachments[local.i][2]#"
content="#variables.docContents#" type="application/msword">

Ed Szwedo
Web Development Team Lead
ECS Team - ITS-EPA II Contractor

109 TW Alexander Drive, Building NCC, Mail Drop N176-05, Research
Triangle Park, NC 27711
Information Technology Infrastructure Solutions | Office: (919)541-3955
| Fax: (919)541-3641 | |

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