Wow, Great Points Charlie. We are not on CF 10 yet but that is definitely
worth remembering.

What would we do without you Charlie? I hate to speak for others, but from
my side,  I have learned so many *great/cool* things from you. Appreciate
it man.

<Ajas Mohammed />
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Charlie Arehart <>wrote:

> Doug, here’s something even some experienced hoster’s don’t know: after
> installing CF10, and/or adding updates, for many of the updates you need to
> then rebuild the web server connector (meaning they have to open CF’s web
> server config tool, then remove and re-add the connection of a site or all
> sites to a CF instance.) Only on doing that do they get the benefit of some
> connector changes that were introduced in a few of the updates (of the 11
> updates to CF 10 so far since last May).
> This is mentioned pretty clearly in the update page, but most people in my
> experience are just missing/ignoring it, and they just apply the update and
> never rebuild the connectors. They can confirm if they have by checking the
> date of that very isapi_redirect.dll page. If it’s dates in March of 2012,
> or November of 2012, it’s old. If it’s June of 2013, it’s as of update 11.
> If they are not yet on update 11, but it’s dated in March, they need to
> update to at least update 5 and then rebuild the connector, to solve some
> pretty serious problems that update 5 addressed (last year).
> Now, I don’t know if any of these updates that change the connector will
> solve your specific REST problem, but if indeed there is some related
> problem with the connector itself, then it’s worth a shot. (I don’t work
> with REST myself, so don’t know how to connect any other dots based on what
> you’ve reported previously.)
> /charlie****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Douglas
> Knudsen
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:16 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 10 and REST and wtf?****
> ** **
> WEll, no solution still on this.  Hostek moved the site to a different
> "newer" server, the "hands in the air we already rebooted" solution.  Still
> same behavior.  The REST service cranks up, but then dies out within 24
> hours.  "*C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll" *is in
> the error page from IIS, almost makes me think the connectors are at fault.
>  But then, I've been away from admining CF for too long.  Might ask Hostek
> to try out using a Linux server instead...****
> ** **
> DK****
> ****
> Douglas Knudsen
> this is my signature, like it?****
> ** **
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Douglas Knudsen <>
> wrote:****
> righto Bill, thanks.  That Adam Tuttle was the author of Taffy, eh?
>  Anyway, I do have a call to restInitApplication(); inside the main
> application.cfc which houses the index.cfm. I also have a simple CFM with
> the call in it just to be sure in my testing.  Once this is called, about
> 50% of the time, my issue goes away....but then returns within 24 hours.
>  The host is befuddled of course :)  how I wish this simple client still
> used fusionlink!  ****
> ** **
> DK****
> ****
> Douglas Knudsen
> this is my signature, like it?****
> ** **
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 1:48 AM, Bill Beers <>
> wrote:****
> Doug,****
>  ****
> Not sure if this is related to your issue, but I read at the following
> link about having to refresh the rest services.****
>  ****
> ****
>  ****
> Look at the discussion below the blog post.  I am about to begin a REST
> project so I am interested in your results.  Although, in my project, I
> have access to the CFAdmin…****
>  ****
> Regards,****
>  ****
> Bill Beers****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Douglas
> Knudsen
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 08, 2013 3:57 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 10 and REST and wtf?****
>  ****
> so far no luck.  Host just "reset things" but problem came back after
> another day.  I get one of these IIS 500 pages
>  ****
>  ****
> The CFC I have setup is real basic for testing this issue, it should 'just
> work!'   ****
>  ****
> something like this****
>  ****
> component restpath="/works" rest="true" {****
>  ****
>     remote any function getAll() httpMethod="GET"
> produces="application/json"    {****
>  ****
>           return "{foo:42}";****
>  ****
>     }****
>  ****
> }****
> ****
> Douglas Knudsen
> this is my signature, like it?****
>  ****
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Ajas Mohammed <> wrote:
> ****
> Douglas,****
> Any luck on this? You said it never fails on local server so I guess
> someone (haha me) testing it locally for you wont help.****
> Let us know what you find. :-)****
> ****
> <Ajas Mohammed /> ****
> iUseDropbox(
> We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
> No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
> You can't improve what you don't measure.
> Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
> sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
> the wise choice of many alternatives.****
>  ****
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Douglas Knudsen <>
> wrote:****
> tooling around a wee bit on something old and re-working a site with
> Angular + Bootstrap...its fun.  So I figured I'd make use of the fancy new
> REST stuff in CF10.  Simple to set up, no need to use the CFAdmin to setup,
> and bamm!  Deploy to shared host, bamm!  well, maybe not.  Seems to
> consistently fail after initial success.  I push up the CFC, test, all is
> good.  Come back 1,2, or 12 hours later, its random, and the REST call is
> failing with****
>  ****
> HTTP Error 500.0 - object is not an instance of declaring class****
>  ****
>  ****
> Anyone have any clues?  No access to CFAdmin of course.  It never fails on
> the local server.****
>  ****
> Its a really simple thing too.  When this REST call fails, a test page
> using the model.Content.ContentService runs fine.  So it has something to
> do with the REST gimmickery.****
>  ****
> component restpath="/content" rest="true" {****
>  ****
>     remote any function getAll() httpMethod="GET"
>  produces="application/json"    {****
>  ****
>         var service = "";****
>         var entries = "";****
>         var works = "";****
>  ****
>         service = CreateObject("component",
> "model.Content.ContentService").init();****
>         entries = service.getAllItems();****
>         response = serializeJSON( entries );****
>         return response;****
>     }****
>  ****
> }****
> ****
> Douglas Knudsen
> this is my signature, like it?****
>  ****
>  ****
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