What version of CF are you on, Chris? Why not use CFDOCUMENT? Since CF9, it
can generate your word doc (a real one, rather than you trying to send plain
text to the user via CFCONTENT), and I I'm pretty sure it would support
conversion of HTML tags to corresponding word features. (I have to admit I
have not myself ever used the feature, but I've known of it.) Let us know
how it goes, or if you (or anyone else here) has tried it and already knows
if it will help or not.

For more, see these (and if you may be using CF10, just change the 9.0 to
10.0 in the URLs):



Note that some aspects of the feature involve integrating the (free)
openoffice app on the server, discussed some in the above and also at:




PS In case someone else may have answered this, I am having mail server
problems and so have not seen email since Thursday around 3pm. Hope that
will be resolved soon, but this may get sent before I do see any other


From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:48 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Creating effect of html tags in a Rich Text


I have a Rich Text Format(RTF) document which is generated by 




<cfquery name="allPages" datasource="website_2014">
    FROM websitepages 
    WHERE areaID='100'

<cfcontent type = "application/msword">
<cfloop query="individualPages" startrow="1"
    <cfquery name="getData" datasource="website_2014">
        SELECT pageContent 
        FROM sitepages 
        WHERE pageID='#allPages.ID#'
        Order by linkName




The RTF document contains text like

<strong>This is a test message</strong><br/>
<a href="http://www.somedomain.com";> Test domain and lot of other HTML

I need to convert this to

This is a test message(with bold formatting in Microsoft-Word) 

(Line break for <br/> tag) 

Test domain (which when clicked will lead to http://www.somedomain.com)

I understand I can remove the HTML tags using regular expressions, but how
can I recreate their effect(bold, hyperlink) in the RTF document.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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