On Sun, Nov 02, 2008 at 02:45:17PM +0100, Jelle de Jong wrote:
> Every standpoint seem to go down to the moral values of individual persons.


> For example, why is it better that wealth (money) is spread out more
> evenly other then large corporations with lots of employees earn money
> and pays taxes, money does not disappear it stays in the world its an
> cycle...

It's important to spread wealth (even if indirectly through taxes used
to save people with stuff like unemployment support, health support,
etc...) since it is the biggest cop in the world by preventing civil

Lowering taxes has to be the result of optimizing state resources, and
not as a result of cutting state support.

Both lead to less money wasted, but one has positive long term effects,
while the other has positive short term effects (with long term problems
like reduced state support, likely even resulting in civil unrest at the

> What is wrong with paying lots of money for anti virus software, nice
> looking computers, buying all my software from one company. If it works
> for my and makes me feel save and secure and don't have bad experiences
> with it.

Nothing "wrong" with that, as long as those guys who make anti-virus
software don't promote things that hurts our freedoms (like promoting
software patents, DRM, etc...)

They can try to exploit customers as much as they can before going
bankrupt for following a morally wrong business model.

> Is it egocentric to not support persons earning lots of money with there
> ideas, boughs patents, knowledge or other things.

No problem with earning lots of money with what you *DO* with your
knowledge. But there's a huge morally bankrupt concept that you should
prevent others from competing with you by using patents as a mine-field.

> Why should I share if I can take...

Following that model implies you're likely a pirate. You pilleage, rob,
extort and kill. Hopefully you don't really mean that :)

> So how can one answer to those kind of thoughts, how to make persons see
> why they think like that, and that there are other ways to do things.

Morally wrong concepts will seem right if you're educated by a villain.

Although the frontier is fuzzy, there are things that are clearly on one
side of the frontier rather than the other.


Hail Eris!
Today is Sweetmorn, the 14th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3174
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?
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