On 04/01/16 14:41, John H. Bennett III wrote:
> Happy New Year to all!!

Likewise.... !

> Every year I contemplate if this is the year/time to look at possibly
> selling/supporting SME Server on a full time basis.
> This distro has come a long ways since I started using it with e-smith 3.0.
> I'd like to hear from folks that are selling/supporting this distro on a
> full-time basis.  What are your experiences?  Easy sell or hard?  What
> are your customer's telling you are the pro's and con's?  What
> additional features are they wanting?  Anything else you care to add.

>From chats I have had with a few integrators the thing they would like
is something like the support they used to get from Mitel which they
would be happy to pay for if we offered it. The issue for us would be
providing that level of support.

They would also be happy to make a charge to customers 'anything less
than we pay for Windows/Exchange' which would also generate some revenue.

We are currently stuck in a chicken and egg situation - we need more
developers to be able to offer support. But they aren't going to give
the level of support required without some income.....

We also need more developer time to build what people want. Again, we
have lots of things we would like to do but there are only a few people
actively involved.

> Also, has anyone looked at trying to get things running under CentOS7?
>  I've installed it, and trying to get my head around systemd, but I'm
> not smart enough for that yet, but I'm still trying.  I believe from
> past discussions that the first things to do are to install the minimal
> install, I don't remember if 7 offers that, and then try to get
> e-smith-base working.

Yes, the Board have been discussing 'what next'. A few of us have been
having a look at CentOS 7 and it is the logical step. However it is a
pretty massive leap.

We will probably try and get some base code in to the buildsys and open
some bugs on this soon. It's been holidays and quite a few have been
away so it might take a little while before we have something but will
advise in due course.

Thanks for showing an interest !

B. Rgds
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