On 07/04/2017 09:45, Terry Fage wrote:
Forwarded on behalf of Jesper Knudsen

I am personally using https://www.urbackup.org/ which does a great job backing up all my clients to the SME server. I am quite sure that same software can do a SME backup if he Linux client is used.

this topic has been discussed many time here around (BZ, forums, MLs..)

there are many products out there that are good for backup but there are some aspects we can't forget:

1) we need to make backups of SME outside SME itself.. backuppc and affa are really good tools, but if you use them on SME itself, they'll use (a good part of) some disk space and they must have the feature to export on remote storage (remote means USB disks too) a full working backup set. If we're talking about affa and backuppc outside our server, it could be tricky because they both need a server to run (and in some cases we have not a second server, just a nas or, worst, an USB disk)

2) we'd keep the backup as easy as possible, meaning that the restore froma bacup set should be feasible without any hassle.. from this point of view, if you don't have a SME server running and you want to extract a file/dir from dar, it's not so easy.. and you must have a good dar catalogue.. and it would be good to open a backup set from a windows client too

I don't know when/why dar was adopted, but it has some issues..
- it can't use parallel compression and so even if you have 2000 cores, only one will be used during backup.. using pigz (available from epel) won't help 'cause dar don't call gzip.
- it's fragile, and this is the reason we are here :-)
- it could be a bottleneck for the server.. if you keep many sets, backup could be fast, but the removal of an old set can be not.. I have a server that needs 5 hours to backup (and that's fine, starting at 22:00), but the post backup stage (i.e. the /usr/bin/dar_manager -Q -B /mnt/smb/FQDN/dar-catalog -D 15 one) could take the same time.. and this is bad, since users complain that the server is slow. - it has not (but maybe it's related to how we use it) any kind of log/diagnostic tool while it's running.. you've just to wait and see

Urbackup, Affa, Backuppc, Amanda are more "backup server" oriented IMO, i.e. they are tools to create a backup server, not to backup a server :-)

NS uses duplicity (see http://duplicity.nongnu.org/) which seems to have good features (http://duplicity.nongnu.org/features.html)

We'd try to take a look at NS' scripts and make some tests.


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