
> On 27 Feb 2017, at 14:40, Agner Fog <ag...@agner.org> wrote:
> On 27-02-2017 11:06, Mirko Boehm (FSFE) wrote:
>> You will need permission/license from the other contributors to sell 
>> proprietary licenses.
>> You need a scheme that fairly distributes the licensing revenue so that it 
>> motivates people to contribute. You could pay out shares of the revenue to 
>> them, or you could make it a public service effort by donating a share or 
>> all of the proceeds to a organisation with aims that benefit the general 
>> public, for example FSFE.
>> A Contributor License Agreement (CLA) can be used to set up such a model. 
>> Usually, FSFE would not recommend using CLAs that enable proprietary 
>> licensing. However in your situation this is already the case, so in my 
>> understanding it would make your software more free (because others can 
>> contribute to it). Please be aware that this is not an official FSFE 
>> position.
> My initial idea was that proprietary users would automatically get a license 
> by donating a certain amount of money to some organization that supports free 
> software, such as FSF. But I understand from this discussion thread that the 
> policy of FSF or FSFE does not allow such a scheme. So I guess this will not 
> work. I don't want to put in a random charity organization because the 
> contributors might have different opinions about which organization to 
> support.

I cannot speak for FSFE, but I think the setup can be made simpler: Anybody can 
donate to FSFE. Just ask them to provide proof of the donation, and then you 
give them a license. This way you don’t need any kind of organisation, and no 
arrangement for handling money.

> So I guess the only solution is to use a more permissive license and let 
> proprietary software vendors use the library for free. Right now they are 
> actually paying, but this becomes too complicated if there is more than one 
> contributor to the software library.
> I could still encourage commercial users to donate money to FSF or some other 
> organization, but I am not sure whether a voluntary scheme would work. The 
> commercial users want an invoice and a piece of paper that says "license". 
> Some even require that I register into their database of suppliers. Donation 
> to charity doesn't fit into their administrative routines, I guess. Or maybe 
> they can put it on their PR budget or their "Corporate Social Responsibility" 
> budget?
> Do you think the FSF will endorse such a scheme? (I can't get access to their 
> mailing list even though I am a member).

As suggested, I would make the scheme consist of two mainly independent parts, 
where you don’t need approval between the two. 


Mirko Boehm | mi...@kde.org | KDE e.V.
FSFE Fellow, FSFE Team Germany
Qt Certified Specialist
Request a meeting: https://doodle.com/mirkoboehm

Mirko Boehm | mi...@kde.org | KDE e.V.
FSFE Fellow, FSFE Team Germany
Qt Certified Specialist
Request a meeting: https://doodle.com/mirkoboehm

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