On 2017-04-25, at 13:00, Erik Albers wrote:

> Unfortunately, we only had a participation of around 17 % which seems to be
> the lowest participation since we record participation (2014). Many of the
> list subscribers here have had the possibility to vote, so I like to ask for
> explanations and possibilities how we can raise participation?

Dear Erik,

if you want to know something from the fellows, why do you not ask
them?  (I’m a fellow, and I’m surprised by your choice of
communication channel.)

> The low amount of participation leaves me in particular wondering as this year
> we had 7 candidates, each of them with a short representation in out wiki [1],
> public hustings [2] and a reminder three days before the end of elections.

I found the wiki page to be very helpful.  Many thanks to everybody
who contributed!

However, I didn’t see an announcement for the hustings.  The first
e-mail addressed to me as fellow matching “husting” is one from you
sent on April 9.  I recommend to inform fellows ahead of time, not
after the fact.

I voted, though.  Congratulations, Daniel Pocock!

Best wishes
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