On Fri,  2 Feb 2018 17:12, dan...@pocock.pro said:

> There are practical problems with this.  The most obvious problem is
> that there is no board and the GA functions a little bit like a board
> and a board with 1,700 members would not be very functional.  To resolve

That is not correct.  Unless I missed some of the many constitutional
changes of the last years, the FSFE e.V., as German Verein, of course as
an elected board ("Vorstand", aka "EC") which consists of the
"president", the "vice-president", and the "treasurer".  (I used to be
the treasurer some years ago.)

However. having only a few members we had the *informal* rule to ask all
members (the so-called "GA") for their opinions on imporatnt decisions
of the board.



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