On 01/12/2018 10:25 AM, Werner Koch wrote:

The background seems to be a discussion on the German list (and maybe on
some Berlin meetings) on whether it is acceptable that the FSFE takes
donations from Google.  In the aftermath of this one Berlin based member
canceled their membership which triggered a discussion on the members
only list.

I have not seen these handouts but I assume the text was in line with
his arguments expressed over several weeks on the German lists.  Erik's
reaction to ban him from *behind* the booth is fully acceptable to me
and I would have done the same.  Diverting opinions are for sure welcome
but they should not be presented in a way which let bystanders assume
that this (self-)critique is an official position of the FSFE.

A somewhat late comment on this issue, ie the issue behind the issue.

I agree in the handling of the situation by Erik, i.e. not accepting someone serving in a public-facing booth while simultaneously agitating against a decision taken by the organisation - if you're manning a booth at a public event for an organisation, presumably you're there to represent that organisation, not to undermine it.

Regarding whether the FSFE should accept donations from Google, though ... I find the question tricky.

FSFE is an organisation which works for software freedom. As a sister organisation of the FSF, it considers proprietary software to be unethical, and the ultimate goal of the free software movement is that *all* software supplied to the public should be free software.

Google is, with almost no caveat at all, in its practices and apparent goals, an *enemy* of software freedom. It's one of the world's leading providers of proprietary software in the form of proprietary JavaScript applications - GMail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, etc. Google is not opposed to software patents, on the contrary it actively pursues them and will use them to keep their competition out. Google has used its patented technologies, especially its ubiquitous JavaScript, to spy on millions of people, going as far as tracking their every movement and recording and parsing their everyday conversations in order to target them for ads. That's *exactly* the kind of abusive practices that make software freedom so necessary. When asked about these surveillance practices, they are traditionally *very* secretive.

Google intercepts a huge fraction of all the world's email, and if the patents it has filed is any guideline, it will scan these emails for reference to persons and map them out, connected to as much information they can get about these persons, including their addresss, phone number, etc., regardless of whether these persons use their services or not. Of course, their ultimate goal is that everybody should be a user of their services, which would place a complete track of everything everybody is doing in their possession. This account may be slightly hyperbolic, but there's no mistaking their goals. Note that such information can be made available to law enforcement, and according to the Snowden leaks, such information, gathered by Google's proprietary software, has also been surreptitiously handed over to intelligence agencies.

Google may be an important contributor to various free software projects, but that's hardly any excuse for such abuses. I'd argue that Google's contributions to free software have nothing to do with a support for the philosophy behind it but is a pure cost/benefit analysis aimed at securing community support as well as infrastructure.

All this being so, the wisdom of accepting money from Google is indeed very debatable. I do realize that the wisdom of rejecting donations is also very debatable, so this is not to second-guess the decision that was taken. Only to raise the question; Google *is* an adversary that ideally we'd like to see forced to give up its patents and deploy free software only, or go down.

What is the best way to walk that line?

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