Hi all,

On 02.05.19 13:17, Johannes Zarl-Zierl wrote:
> Considering the CoC, I'm refraining myself from talking too much about a 
> certain individual.
> As there seems to be some confusion as to how Daniel Pocock was able to 
> access 
> the subscriber emails of this list:
> The list is visible to all subscribers here:
> https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/roster/discussion
> Having list membership visible to all subscribers is common practice, and 
> virtually all public mailing list are configured to show this information on 
> request. After all, the mailing list archive is also available, and by 
> scraping the mailing list archive one would be able to gather a similar list…

as explained by Johannes, this list was available to all list-subscribers as
it is common practice. However, we now changed the settings and
list-subscribers are only visible for list-admins from now on.

> However, I'm pretty sure that using this information in the way that Mr. 
> Pocock did is very much not allowed under EU law. Maybe it's time to let the 
> legal team handle this transgression and evaluate FSFE's legal options?

as already announced in the other mail, we get in contact with legal experts
to act accordingly.


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Erik Albers | Programme Manager, Communication | FSFE
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