On 28.06.19 14:25, Bernhard E. Reiter wrote:
> Am Freitag 21 Juni 2019 17:17:38 schrieb Erik Albers:
>> I am looking for a tiny laptop in a size of 9 or 10 inch that runs
>> GNU/Linux 
> What about
> * https://www.pine64.org/pinebook/
>   maybe to large, it is 11.6" :)

thank you, I was already considering this, but it is still too large to be 

> * https://store.planetcom.co.uk/collections/gemini-pda/products/gemini-pda-1
>   probably too small 6" ;)
>   and https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cosmo-communicator#/
>   needs a few more month and is still too small >;)

well, maybe too small, yes, but definitely too expensive to backpack with them
around the world in public transports and cheap hostels : )

On the german list someone came up with the eeePC. This is from size exactly
what I am looking for and you can get them second hand at around 50 euro.

Thanks to everyone for your tips,

No one shall ever be forced to use non-free software
Erik Albers | Programme Manager, Communication | FSFE
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