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Subject: Re: diversity and expanding the GA
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 10:51:58 +0000
From: Matthias Kirschner <m...@fsfe.org>
To: g...@fsfeurope.org

Dear GA members,

thank you all for raising your points in this thread. As Hugo pointed
out we repeatedly had that discussion, and also worked on some points.
Still there were some new ideas in the thread and from the Council we
suggest a few action items to make further progress. But first, so that
everybody is on the same page, some examples of existing activities on
that topic.

## Some examples of what we already do/did

* When we have pictures on our website we try to have equal wo/man on
 them. For example have a look at
 https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/whylovefs/gallery.en.html (this
 year we had some additions, before IIRC the ratio was better).

* For the FSFE front page we asked women to provide quotes with picture:
 This worked for Amaelle. Other female contributors were also initially
 interested in providing a quote, but other constrains prevented them
 from doing so.
* At our events we encourage female speakers, as well as new speakers,
 and from different countries (e.g. LLW, but also at the summit).
 Although we have the same problem most conferences have, that is is
 really difficult to achieve that.

* For the Legal Network council we started by picking the same ratio
 with men as with women.

* For internships we meanwhile give preference to women. One reason is
 also because becoming intern is also increasing the chance to become
 an employment in the Free Software area.
 (https://fsfe.org/contribute/internship.en.html says "We want more
 women to be involved in Free Software. That's why we will give
 preference to applications from suitably qualified female

* As with males we also encourage female interns to stay active in the
 FSFE after their internships:
 * We hired Polina after her internship
 * Nikos is currently talking with Olga about her becoming the Greek
   deputy coordinator.
 * With Lucile we have regular contact and invite her to meetings (she
   has very little time).
 * We work a lot with Eszter, who is now assistent of Julia Reda, but
   it might be difficult to include her further at the moment.  * Lusy
is at the moment organising a Free Software event and
   coordinating with Matthias.

* Staff was following-up with proposals from the past. For example
 Patrick Ohnewein before proposed Sonia Montegiove. Matthias had
 several talks with her and invited her to the FSFE summit. The problem
 is that she is quite shy when speaking English.    * This year we had a
moderations workshop for our staff. Before it we
 clarified with the trainer that one of our goals is to enable our
 staff running more inclusive meetings. The workshop was documented in
 the wiki https://wiki.fsfe.org/Internal/Moderation (some permission
 problem at the moment, hope it is soon fixed).

## Next Steps

### In Progress

* Finish and implement Code of Conduct:
 * Continue with the CoC, implement it, also against some critism (Erik
   worked on it with Heiki, but as it should be valid for the whole
   organisation so we said it would be good that we do not have several
   CoCs in the FSFE but try to merge it with the LLW CoC).
 * help our groups to enforce it with a training about that topic next
   year (for the LLW Polina worked on a detailed guide what to keep in
   mind about that).

### Possible actions

* Discussion with Ulrike about the topic. She studied gender studies and
 is very interested in the topic) about the topic. Together with her
 identify strategies for more diversity inside the FSFE community and
 the GA, by  * having a budget for counselling on diversity (as several
   pointed out, just because someone is a women in IT, does not know
   they know about diversity).    * have a time budget for Ulrike to
help on this issue next year.

* As some hesitate to just add women to the GA without first being
 involved in other areas, make it a priority to support already active
 or interested females (or other under represented groups).  * This
could include that we encourage them to join us in teams, and
   mentor them, or to invite them to events so we can meet them (could
   also include priority for travel funding in case we have to choose).

* GA participation:  * You might have realised that all our male
staffers are GA members,
   but none of our female staffers is. That is bad. We should encourage
   Polina and Ulrike to think about joining, too.
 * Depending on the outcome of the FSFE2020 discussion: if we enlarge
   the council (as the FSFE board) introduce a quote there (as Daniel
   proposed to have a second VP position, with a requirement that at
   least one of the VP positions must not be male.)
 * Depending on the Italian GA member's feedback, we could invite her
   as a guest to the next GA, or if they think it would be a good idea
   we can ask her to first become another coordinator for Italy as a
   first step.

* https://fsfe.org/contribute/internship.en.html starts with a quote by
 a former male and female interns. But we should update one of the
 quotes by Erik or Hugo on that page with former quotes.

* Make sure we have balanced quotes by women on our website / as well as
 the front page. E.g.
 https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/whylovefs/whylovefs.en.html (either
 get more or think about removing this page for next years in the

Best Regards,

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290
Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030  |   (fsfe.org/join)
Contact (fsfe.org/about/kirschner)  -  Weblog (k7r.eu/blog.html)
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