It looks like the hard drive in my development box is on it's last
legs (ie. I expect it to crash hard in the next week).  I'm in the
middle of moving and the budget is stretched a little too tight to be
able to replace the drive for a while.  The loss of this machine until
the drive can be replaced means little to no productive work on
pfSense from me for a while.  Any help anyone can give (especially
those that want better shaper code), please let me know.  I do have a
paypal account (use my email addy) that I'm trying to get setup to be
able to transfer funds to my bank account (small snafu there), so
donations there (or at the paypal account on our donations page)
should work.  Any other suggestions welcome.  Thanks!


PS. While I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, used drives
in particular are not welcome (this is painful enough, I don't want to
repeat it that much sooner).

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