On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 12:24 +0200, Alon Altman wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Omer Zak wrote:
> >>  Why not use
> >> text-based communication that is accessible to both the deaf and the blind?
> >
> > Accessibility technology must be tailored to the needs of the person/s
> > using it.  Some people cannot use text based communication (due to
> > illiteracy and/or dyslexia) so they need other communication
> > technologies (audio based and/or video based, depending upon their
> > disabilities).
>    If I understand correctly, the video accessibility problem may be relevant
> to deaf (or hard of hearing) people who are also illterate or dyslexic, but
> sill have access to modern computing equipment and a high-speed connection.
> How many of those are there anyway?

At least in Israel, more than you think.

They have children or parents or spouses or siblings with normal reading
ability, hence the use of more sophisticated computing equipment.

Since the 2002 series of demonstrations by the Deaf, people who are deaf
from birth or from before age 3 are entitled to buy accessibility
equipment with up to 4000 NIS paid for by the government, once per 4
years.  The list of equipment is fairly long and includes computers and
webcams as well as FAX machines.

Currently, MS-Windows XP reigns supreme in this arena.
                                                    --- Omer
[OFFTOPIC - if you reply to this, please reply on the Linux-IL mailing
Did anyone succeed in making use of the Trust TwinkleCam (according to
Device Manager, it identifies itself as Chicony TwinkleCam, vendor
Divio, vendor ID 0x06a5, product ID 0xd800) under Debian Sarge with
kernel 2.6.8-1-686?
I did search [few months ago] the obvious places, tried to compile a
kernel module, etc. but ran into various problems.
Sent from a PC running a top secret test version of Windows 97.
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