After a continuing speaking with some people at Sun Israel, they agreed to contribute OpenOffice 2 Cd's (about 500+ Cd's) to Hamakor.
The Cd's label can be downloaded from this link  (  http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/biux/oo2.zip )
The people at Sun want to know the following:
1. If Hamakor may wish to put their logo in the OO2 CD label - with no charge.
(this is of course not a prequisite to contribute the Cd's.)
2. If Hamakor want to add more money in order to have more Cd's distributed - this can be done in any time.
3. If Hamakor want to add any open source software into this CD.
(which is a companion to the subject of this CD)
When time comes - I will distribute the Cd's first, to all Linux clubs and the rest will be distributed to schools or other similar organizations via myself or the other Linux clubs.
Please let me know as soon as you can, since we wish to start producing the Cd's.

Haim Tzadok
