We have just agreed with Oracle to do an Oracle Linux Installfest during OSDC.

This means people who bring along their computer will receive some
Linux distribution and various free (as in free beer) Oracle softwares
in addition
and help in installing the sotware on the spot.

The event will be hold in parallel to the regular talks probably on all 3 days
for about 1.5 hours so if you are interested you will be able to pick the day
you would like to drag along your desktop.
I'll check with the Collage if we can provide the necessary
screens/keyboards/mice for those who bring their desktop.

See details on http://www.osdc.org.il/installfest.html

Not just Oracle....

Maybe some people here would like to get organized and do similar
installparty/installfest using strictly free software during the
(Orcale gives a nice sum of money as sponsorship so if other companies will
want to do similar events we will ask for their sponsorship as well)

For a community based install party/fest that is free of charge.
Besides, HaMakor already gives sponsorship anyway.

If there is a volunteer to organize it I would be glad to allocate
timeslots during
the conference parallel to the other talks.


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