Hi all,

Bosmat Junior Technology High School, which used to be one of the best
technical high-schools in the country (and I am proudly one of its grads)
and belong to the Technion and Haifa Municipality is closing its gates for
good due to financial problems. As a result it has to get rid of its
computers in Bet-Konoff Computer Center in the Technion, which belongs to
Bosmat. The computers which could be sold, were sold, and now only the old
computers left. We're talking about 30-40 Celeron 300-533MHz computers
(Similar to Pentium 2 or Pentium 3 types - there are 2 types of computers
there) with 64-128MB of SDRAM, and 30-40 14"-15" monitors. Those are 4 years
old computers, which were given a lot of effort during their use time. They
are given free of charge, for charity purposes.

If anyone thinks those computers can be given to some other schools,
kindergardens, NPOs, etc, and also have the time to organize Linux
installation and/or other FOSS applications in them (they hold Windows 98
right now) - please organize one person to match between Hamakor and the
relevant bodies. I'd love to be the match-maker but I am out of available

The one who wants to take the match-making mission, please call Raphi
Brikner (the manager of Bosmat high-school) at 04-8625340 between 9:00-15:00
from Sunday to Thursday, tell him about Hamakor and also tell him that Adir
sent you. Please also update me in advance so I will know that you're one of
the organizers (if there is more than one person, I will pick one or two).

Bet-Konoff itself will be open next Thursday and also a week afterwards for
disassembly purposes. If nobody wants to take the computers and the
monitors, they will probably go to the nearest garbage.


