Hi all!

This is a reminder that in accordance with its annual tradition, the Israeli 
Free and Open Source Software community will hold the August Penguin 
conference ( http://august.penguin.org.il/ ) under the auspices of the Hamakor
non-profit organisation  ( http://www.hamakor.org.il/ ). 

This year the conference will take place on Friday, 7 August 2009,
starting from 08:30 in the morning, in the Avner building of the
Weizmann Institute in Rehovoth, Israel. Entrance to the conference costs
30 New Israeli Sheqels (ILS), while members and friends of 
Hamakor and the Israeli Internet Society (ISOC) are not required to pay.

So what is going to take place in the conference?

* http://august.penguin.org.il/schedule - talks.

* Giving the "Hamakor Prize".

* http://www.bookcrossing.com/ - Book Crossing stands.

* http://august.penguin.org.il/keysign - a key-signing party.

* Installation Party for owners of OpenMoko/FreeRunner.

* Photo shoot-out.

* Nice atmosphere and friendly geeks.


Everyone is welcome to attend the conference. You are encouraged to pay for it 
in advance in the Litrom site to save on hassle in the entrance.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Original Riddles - http://www.shlomifish.org/puzzles/

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