
Sorry for the latish response.

On Friday 11 Dec 2009 14:38:50 Shai Berger wrote:
> On Friday 11 December 2009, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > On Friday 11 Dec 2009 14:01:11 Shai Berger wrote:
> > > Shlomi,
> > >
> > > Why do you bother those of us who are not subscribed to Linux-IL with
> > > an argument for which you have received (what appears to be) a
> > > satisfactory answer in the original forum --
> > > http://www.mail-archive.com/linux...@cs.huji.ac.il/msg57007.html ?
> >
> > 1. It's more on-topic here.
> Granted.


> > 2. I didn't find the answer satisfactory - essentially Tzafrir said
> >  "everyone can interpret the GPL as he sees fits" and there will be Chaos
> >  across the land.
> No, he said that earlier. What he said this time was that everyone can
> interpret *any* license as they see fit. The intelligent reader may be
> expected to infer the missing "and be laughed out of court". Actually,
>  there's no need for that.


> For the actual matter at stake, it is my (non-lawyer) opinion that their
> interpretation is no more valid than an interpretation of the 3-clause BSD
> license that says the copyright holder is owed money for use of the
>  program.

Thanks for the support.

> One more point about your argument there: You present it as if it were an
> attack on the {L,}GPL for invoking the undefined, "vague" notion of derived
> work. But what you end up with -- "just use a permissive license" -- is an
> attack on copyleft itself. That is you do not attack the instrument at
>  hand, but the intention in its use. That is fine, if you're upfront about
>  it.

Where do you see that I ended up with "just use a permissive licence"? 
Naturally, I prefer to use the X11 Licence for my software, but I can accept 
the fact that some people would prefer to use strong copyleft or weak copyleft 
licences instead. However, I think their most common manifestations as the GPL 
and the LGPL are too political, complicated, hard-to-understand, etc. that I 
think they do a dis-service to the concept of copyleft. In my essay, I thought 
that the Sleepy Cat Licence is a good substitute to the GPL, but Migo said the 
wording there was disputable and had too little legal teeth for serious uses, 
and I couldn't find any GPLv2/GPLv3-compatible licence that is weak copyleft.

Migo did point me to:


Which is a weak copyleft licence that aims to be simple, but I'm not sure if 
it was accepted yet.

So it's an unresolved problem.
> > > One thing contributing to the strength of Tzafrir's comments there is
> > > that in three weeks, you never bothered to refute them. Instead, you
> > > chose to simply repeat your claims to a different forum. Why?
> >
> > See above.
> The above answers "why you repeated your claims to a different forum", not
> "why did you fail to refute the counter argument" -- except, perhaps, that
> part of that message somehow escaped your attention.



        Shlomi Fish

> > Thanks (not!) for top-posting.
> I stand corrected. I should have indeed removed the part of your message I
>  was not responding directly to. Thanks for fixing that for me.
> - Shai.
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