
On 02/17/2010 01:02 PM, Lior Kesos wrote:
> For the Django,python and $whatever programming language/framework fans
> out there
> Note that although a lot of the server side infrastructure will probably
> be implemented in Drupal there are going to be exciting possabilities of
> exposing alot of the data through standard feeds and that way to enable
> different mashups of the different data.
> You can check out http://data.gov.uk/ and data.gov to get an idea of
> where we are aiming (even if we are talking on smaller scopes of the data).
> I think that creating a series of basic examples of using this data in
> various programming languages will help the adoption and creation of
> these mashups.

In that case why should we care ? The server side technology (or it's 
license) is not important at all, and for all I care it could be written 
with .Net or some other technology, the data will still be available.


> Note that we're are just at the beginning and this is something that
> will be rellevent at least 6 monthes from now yet we'd be happy to hear
> about what cool things you would *want* to build using govermental data
> so we're sure that the architecture will scale accordingly.
> best regards and Viva la revolution!
> Lior
> On Feb 17, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Amit Aronovitch wrote:
>> (Cross posting to the Django and Python mailing lists. )
>> Hi All,
>> Doron is invited to a meeting with gov.il <http://gov.il> people to
>> discuss the future cooperation with the FOSS community.
>> He is looking for a few (probably very few) people to join him.
>> It seems that this is deeper than merely asking for W3C compliant web
>> site, so I would feel better if someone
>> with a firm grasp on the relevant API's needed to integrate well with
>> free tools (aggregators, robot scripts, whatever) and the common
>> problems involved (at least better grasp on these issues than myself)
>> will join him.
>> So mail him if you can help (no guarantee though, I am not involved in
>> this in any way, merely cross-posting because I really want it to work).
>> thanks,
>> Amit
>> 2010/2/15 doron <do...@ofek.biz <mailto:do...@ofek.biz>>
>>     מצטרף לדבריו של נדב.
>>     למרות שמחד יש עליי לחץ להשביע את רעבונם של אנשי התוכנה החופשית -
>>     כרגע , יהיה הכי נכון לעצור את הדיון הפומבי.
>>     לשבת עם נדב, ולהסדיר את מקומה של הקהילה .. כיצד היא יכולה לשתף
>>     פעולה, כיצד היא יכולה לסייע.. וכיוצ"ב .
>>     האם יש מישהו שרוצה / יכול להצטרף לישיבה שכזו ? (אני כבר אומר שאי
>>     אפשר ש 30 אנשים יהיו בישיבה , מדובר על כמה אנשים שרוצים ויכולים
>>     לסייע להגדיר את מקומה של הקהילה במסגרת של שיתוף פעולה עם ממשל זמין
>>     , כיצד הקהילה יכולה לסייע והסדרה של דרכי התקשורת ומה שכרוך בכך ).
>>     רק לאחר שנסדיר עם נדב את הדברים, נוכל להבין כיצד אנו יכולים לתרום
>>     טוב יותר, ולגבש את קבוצות העבודה הרלוונטיות.
>>     - דורון
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