מזל טוב ובהצלחה (:

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org>wrote:

> שלום לכולם,
> רק לידיעתכם, בסופו של דבר אושרה לי מלגה מקרן פרל העולמית כדי לשפר את
> הדיבאגר של פרל, אז אין צורך שהמקור תממן את העבודה הזאת שלי (אם כי לא אתנגד
> למלגה נוספת).
> התחלתי לעבוד על המלגה בשלושת הימים האחרונים ואני מתקדם בקצב טוב.
> בכבוד רב,
>         שלומי פיש
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 23:03:52 +0300
> From: Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org>
> To: Perl in Israel <p...@perl.org.il>
> Cc: Alan Haggai Alavi <alanhag...@alanhaggai.org>
> Subject: [Israel.pm] [NEWS] My Perl Foundation Grant for Improving the
> Perl Debugger Was Accepted
> Hi all,
> I am happy to announce that the Perl Foundation’s grant committee voted to
> accept
> my grant proposal to improve the Perl Debugger:
> *
> http://news.perlfoundation.org/2012/08/2012q3-grant-proposals---resul.html
> *
> http://news.perlfoundation.org/2012/08/2012q3-grant-proposal-adding-t.html
> My grant manager will be Alan Haggai Alavi ( http://alanhaggai.org/ )
> whom I have
> spoken (using IRC and IM), corresponded and collaborated with on some
> projects
> in the past and I'm looking forward to working with him.
> Today I started working on the grant, and performed and/or made progress
> with some tasks
> which I noted in a log that I will show to my grant manager (I can send it
> in private if
> anyone's interested, but not sure I can publish it).
> Regards,
>         Shlomi Fish
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
> Stop Using MSIE - http://www.shlomifish.org/no-ie/
> The number of items on an open source project’s to‐do list always grows or
> remains constant.
> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - http://shlom.in/reply .
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> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
> Why I Love Perl - http://shlom.in/joy-of-perl
> A kid always wishes they were older until they are 18. Afterwards, they
> always
> wish they were younger.
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