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Subject:                [reformasitotal] Rais: Indonesian leaders have no clear crisis 

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Indonesia leaders have no clear crisis agenda-Rais

JAKARTA, July 17 (Reuters) - Indonesian political leaders, including 
embattled President Abdurrahman Wahid, have no clear vision or agenda to drag 
the country out of crisis, vocal government critic Amien Rais said. 

The comments by Rais, who heads the highest legislative body, the People's 
Consultative Assembly (MPR), underscored the sense of helplessness in 
Indonesia after three years of violence, economic woes and political chaos. 

``To be honest, there is not one leader from any political party who at the 
moment has the vision, the agenda or the programme for resolving the problems 
in our nation,'' the leading Kompas daily newspaper on Monday quoted Rais 

``President Abdurrahman Wahid doesn't have it. Nor do the other political 
elite, including Amien Rais,'' he said on Sunday, echoing the frustrations of 
many Indonesians. 

But other analysts say Indonesia's challenges -- from separatist tensions and 
widespread communal and religious violence to a shaky economic recovery, 
corruption scandals and persistent political uncertainty -- would test the 
best and brightest anywhere. 

Rais said the government had a small window of opportunity to improve the 
situation, but did not elaborate. 

But he also repeated over the weekend that Wahid was unlikely to be impeached 
at the annual MPR session next month despite criticism of his running of the 

Political tensions have risen ahead of that meeting, where the eccentric and 
unpredictable Wahid will give an account of his first rocky year in office. 

Such tensions have weighed on financial markets in the world's fourth most 
populous nation and analysts expect the uncertainty to linger even after the 
MPR session. 

In a likely dress rehearsal of the session, Wahid is scheduled to be grilled 
by parliament on Thursday over his sacking of two economics ministers in 

Parliament has no power to remove the frail Wahid. 

But reassurances that Wahid will keep his job have not eased doubts about his 
ultimate future or whether he and other top politicians -- who united to help 
push aside the authoritarian President Suharto in 1998 -- can stop bickering. 

Many Indonesians and investors want Wahid, Rais, Vice-President Megawati 
Sukarnoputri and parliamentary speaker Akbar Tandjung -- the country's four 
most powerful figures -- to come together in a public show of unity. 

All swing between friendship and acrimony, making their so-called rainbow 
coalition government a fractious vehicle. 

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