Ada saatnya saya pengen baca tulisan saya tentang Megawati di
    apakabar dulu. 

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Date sent:              Wed, 9 Aug 2000 15:43:10 -0600 (MDT)
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [INDONESIA-L] Megawati at Helm Would Be a Disaster

The Australian
August 10, 2000


Megawati at helm would be a disaster


THE prospect of Megawati Sukarnoputri trying to carry out the functions of 
head of government, presumably against the will of President Abdurrahman 
Wahid, is something close to a nightmare scenario for Indonesia.

It cuts across the legitimate authority of the President, deepens the 
constitutional confusion within the country and promises no relief from the 
administrative incompetence and confusion that has characterised the 
Government in recent months.

For all his faults, Wahid remains the legitimately elected President of 
Indonesia. He also retains significant residual moral authority.

But he has been a very poor administrator.

Wahid has let it be known this week that he would do what he has long been 
urged to do ___ appoint a de facto prime minister who would make sure things 
actually get done.

As long as Wahid backed such a person implicitly ___ that it was clear the 
prime minister spoke with the full authority of the president ___ this could 
have been a promising move.

But forcing Megawati on to Wahid in this role is a recipe for disaster.

For a start, Megawati has no administrative capability. She shares every one 
of Wahid's administrative weaknesses. Her office and schedule are in 
perpetual chaos. She has almost no known policy ideas or competence. When 
given a task, such as addressing communal violence in Maluku, her typical 
response is to do nothing.

She is not an orator and has no significant political achievements to her 

More importantly, the new position can work only if the president is 
co-operating fully. Foisting Megawati on Wahid will simply pit them against 
each other, which can only deepen the confusion and crisis at the heart of 
Indonesia's Government.

Furthermore, Megawati has entered an unpleasant alliance with the old Golkar 
party of former president Suharto and the military.

This is ironic, given that it was Suharto and the military that deposed her 
father, Sukarno, Indonesia's first president.

But like her father she represents the secular nationalist strand in 
politics, and Golkar and the military feel comfortable with that.

At a more sinister level, they probably also feel they can manipulate and 
control her much more easily than they can Wahid, who, whatever else may be 
said of him, has always been utterly his own man.

This is a dangerous development.

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