Soal sanksi PBB terhadap Irak memang tidak mudah. 

    Mari kita ingat: PBB telah mengizinkan Irak menjual minyak untuk
    pembeli obat dan makanan, tapi Saddam Hussein memakai uang itu
    untuk tujuan lain, sehingga anak-anak dan sebahagian orang Irak
    tetap menederita. 

    Biarpun yang salah itu adalah Saddam Hussein yang tidak memakai
    uang hasil penjualan minyak itu untuk pembeli obat dan makanan
    tapi kenyataan tetap saja bahwa anak-anak Irak dan sebahagian
    rakyat Irak lain saat ini menderita. 

    Bukan akibat sanksi, tapi karena kecurangan Saddam Hussein yang
    tidak memakai uang hasil penjualan minyak untuk pembeli obat dan
    bahan makanan seperti yang disepakati. 

    Dan dibalik itu oposisi Irak terhadap Saddam Hussein tidak
    sanggup menjatuhkan Saddam Hussein. 


    Apakah pemecahannya adalah dihapuskanya sanksi PBB, sehinga Irak
    bisa membeli roket dari Korea Utara atau RRT untuk mengancam
    Kuweit lagi? 

    Dan sementara itu - bila Abdurrachman Wahid berkunjung ke Bagdad
    - Amerika besar kemungkinan akan menarik dukungannya terhadap
    Abdurachman Wahid. 

Date sent:              Sat, 12 Aug 2000 13:24:10 -0600 (MDT)
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [INDONESIA-NEWS] JKTP - Gus Dur to Visit Baghdad

> X-URL: 
>    Back to Home Page National News August 13, 2000
>    Gus Dur to visit Baghdad to call for lifting of sanction
>    JAKARTA (JP): President Abdurrahman Wahid said on Saturday that he
>    would visit Iraq in the coming months and called for the lifting of
>    international sanctions against the country.
>    "I will visit Baghdad at the end of this summer," Gus Dur, as the
>    President is popularly called, told a joint press conference with
>    visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
>    The statement came after Chavez, fresh from a trip to Baghdad during
>    which he met Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, gave an impassioned plea for
>    the world to take notice of the extreme suffering there.
>    Chavez, who arrived in Jakarta early Saturday morning for a brief
>    visit, said UN sanctions against Iraq, which have been in place since
>    the Gulf War, were an injustice and were causing intense misery to the
>    country's children.
>    "Who has the right to (cause) an innocent child to die there," he said
>    in an emotional plea to end the sanctions. "Let God have pity on the
>    souls of those who act that way.
>    "I think the time has come for it to be over," he said, speaking
>    through an interpreter.
>    Chavez said his son, who is traveling with him on a whirlwind trip to
>    visit members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
>    (OPEC), visited a mosque in Baghdad and saw a naked child dying from
>    cancer.
>    "They don't have the medical drugs they need to treat him," he said.
>    Abdurrahman said that he shared Chavez's sentiment and that "Indonesia
>    would like to see the blockade on Iraq lifted soon."
>    Chavez's visit to Iraq angered the United States and Britain who said
>    they were concerned about giving the Iraqi president credibility.
>    Gas exploration
>    Earlier, Abdurrahman said that during his 90-minute meeting with
>    Chavez, the two countries had agreed to cooperate on oil and gas
>    exploration.
>    "We have agreed on the idea to form a joint effort to explore
>    Indonesia's oil and gas resources and to develop the economy in
>    general," he said.
>    According to Abdurrahman, Indonesia could benefit from Venezuelan oil
>    exploration technology, and Venezuela in return could learn from
>    Indonesia's experience in gas exploration.
>    Chavez, whose country currently holds the revolving presidency of
>    OPEC, is due to travel from Jakarta to Libya, Nigeria and Algeria,
>    before returning next week to Caracas where the OPEC summit has been
>    scheduled from Sept. 27 through Sept. 30.
>    He said he had come to Indonesia to invite Abdurrahman to attend the
>    summit and that Wahid had accepted.
>    "Forty years of OPEC and a new era begins. We need fair prices for our
>    oil for (the benefit of) our people and the deepening of our
>    relations. These are the great expectations we have for the second
>    summit of OPEC," he said, but did not comment on current price levels.
>    Oil is currently selling on the world markets at about US$27.50 a
>    barrel. After the meeting and lunch with Gus Dur, Chavez left Jakarta
>    on an afternoon flight for Tripoli to discuss oil issues with Libyan
>    leader Moammar Qaddafi. (byg)

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