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Date sent:              Fri, 18 Aug 2000 05:59:32 EDT
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Subject:                [reformasitotal] Indon's Disgraced Military Emerges As The Big 
Winner of MPR Meeting

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Associated Press
August 18, 2000 

Indonesia's Military Win Concessions From Top Assembly


JAKARTA (AP)--Indonesia's disgraced military emerged Friday as the big winner 
of this year's meeting of the top legislative body, staving off demands to 
get out of politics and receiving a blanket amnesty for past human rights 

The 700-member People's Consultative Assembly ended its tumultuous annual 
session by unanimously passing a decree allowing the security forces to 
retain until 2009 their 38 seats in the legislature.

By banning retroactive prosecution of human rights cases, a separate measure 
blocked trials of military personnel accused of abuses in strife-torn 
provinces such as Aceh, West Papua and East Timor, which last year seceded 
amid massive army-inspired bloodshed and destruction.

The two laws represent a significant setback for President Abdurrahman 
Wahid's campaign to remove the once all-powerful military from politics and 
bring to justice members of the security forces accused of committing abuses.

"This is a major defeat for the reform movement," said Dede Oetomo, a 
political analyst. "It was sneaked through by the military and Golkar."

Golkar was the government-run ruling party during former dictator Suharto's 
32-year reign. It remains the second-largest party in the legislature.

"This law could put a stop to all East Timor and Aceh human rights 
investigations," Oetomo said.

Some legislators said privately they were railroaded into passing the 
measures by hard-line generals, who threatened to foment trouble in 
violence-wracked Aceh, Maluku and West Papua provinces unless they got their 

   UN May Set Up War Crimes Court After Laws Ban Retroactive Prosecution

Earlier this year, Wahid succeeded in staving off the creation of an 
international war crimes tribunal - akin to those for the former Yugoslavia 
and Rwanda - by promising to bring to justice those responsible for last 
year's devastation in East Timor.

Since then Indonesia's government has drafted a bill aimed at creating a 
special court to deal with past human rights violations by the security 

Friday's legislative measures could renew international demands for the 
United Nations, which is currently administering East Timor, to set up its 
own war crimes court.

Earlier this week, the assembly postponed consideration until next year of 
several other controversial constitutional amendments, including proposals to 
introduce Islamic law for Indonesia's Muslims and to allow direct 
presidential elections.

The full assembly also passed a decree Friday on regional autonomy, granting 
Indonesia's 27 provinces greater control over local affairs.

The amendment is viewed as significant because it allows special home rule 
status for the provinces of Aceh and West Papua, on Indonesia's western and 
eastern ends. The government hopes the changes will placate separatist rebels 
in both regions.

"This is a major decentralization of power to the provinces and districts," 
said Andrew Ellis, an analyst with the National Democratic Institute, a U.S. 
government-backed group that promotes free elections and democratic 
institutions overseas.

The 12-day assembly opened with a blistering attack against Wahid's 10-month 
government by lawmakers who said the president's erratic governing style was 
stymieing efforts to revive the moribund economy.

Wahid then suggested he would surrender day-to-day administrative duties to 
his deputy Megawati Sukarnoputri, who heads Indonesia's largest political 
party. A new streamlined Cabinet is due to be presented next Thursday.

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Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

* Ijtihad untuk mencerdaskan ajaran Islam yang sekarang ini penuh ketololan, 
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