#392: Narrow no-break space after certain characters
  Reporter:  linus.luessing@…        |      Owner:
      Type:  Fehler/Defekt           |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal                  |  Milestone:
 Component:  Treiber: Linux –        |    Version:  2.0 Final
  Xkbmap                             |   Keywords:  narrow no-break space
Resolution:                          |  e280af U+202F ubuntu

Comment (by nasenatmer@…):

 Isn't this rather a case of too slow release of <Mod3> before you hit
 <Space>? This is at least what frequently happens to me: I Type something
 like <space> <mod3>-<t><space> in order to write ` - ` but I don't get
 `space hyphen space` but `space hyphen narrow now-break space`

Ticket URL: <http://wiki.neo-layout.org/ticket/392#comment:2>
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