Hi Jeff.

A week ago, we had a follow up meeting about L10N.cz, the Czech localization community I have told you few months ago. We are still in early stage, but I think it's time to start thinking big.

In the latest blog post <https://blog.mozilla.org/l10n/2016/11/03/goals-and-vision-for-mozilla-l10n-2016/> you mentioned hackathons for 2017. I think the hackathon in Prague was great for us. So in the light of L10N.cz rebirth, I would like to organize the next hackathon not only for us, Mozilla.cz, but for everyone involved in L10N.cz. If I can think even bigger, we can open part of it to public in some mini-conference format too.

Have you already talked about the hackathons format, goals etc. for the next year, so we know what to count with and align where possible? Especially the mini-conference option, but even the option for whole L10N.cz, will depend on what resources you will have available for us (budget, training) or what you agree on with the Reps council. I am Rep already, so I can file any requests needed. And of course Mozilla l10n-drivers will be invited to come here too. ;)

Michal Stanke

P.S. I have added the L10N.cz discussion mailing list address to CC, in case the plan for hackathons is set up and is ready to be sent out to public.

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