
I have combined the usage of DisplayTag and Struts bean-tag, but somehow the
bean defined by the id tag om the table is not found in any scope. I've
tried to get it both using bean:write name="myId" and
Would be great if anyone had an idea why this bean is not found. The
display:column prints the value of the bean just as I want..

My code looks like this:
<bean:define id="articleBean" name="se.mypackage.ArticleBean"/>
<bean:define id="articleList" name="articleBean"
property="paginatedArticleList" type="se.mypackage.PaginatedArticleList"/>

<display:table name="pageScope.articleList" id="myId" sort="external"
defaultsort="1" pagesize="10" partialList="true" size="
    <display:column sortable="false" title="ArticleNumber" property="nr">
<bean:write name="myId" property="description"/>
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