I'll take a look.  Thanks for the thorough report, Adam.


----- Original Message ----
From: Adam Constabaris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: displaytag-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 4:44:47 PM
Subject: [displaytag-user] DISPL-292: exporting full list w/HssfExport

[Apologies in advance if this would have been best posted on the 
developers list]

I'm trying to use the DefaultHssfExportView class, and I was unable to 
get it to honor the export.amount=list property; I came across
(http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DISPL-292) and saw the patch that had 
been posted.  The patch (which has been incorporated into the trunk) 
apparently fixes things for some exports, but it turns out that the POI
export (DefaultHssfExportView) ultimately uses


to write out the table, and the first bit of code in that method is

RowIterator rowIterator = model.getRowIterator(false);

file: TableWriterTemplate.java
rev: 1132 (trunk)
line: 277

which yields up an iterator that only goes over the current viewable 
page (i.e. not the full list) -- therefore, the patch for DISPL-292
not work for any export that uses the code in TableWriterTemplate (I 
verified that both trunk and the 1.1.1 release have this flaw).

The "obvious" fix is to change line 277 to read:

RowIterator rowIterator = 

but this seems to result in the entire list being output even when the 
pagesize attribute on the display:table tag is set to a number smaller 
than the list size, and (not surprisingly) breaks a lot of unit tests 
(e.g. PartialListTest).

So obviously the "obvious" patch creates problems at least as big as
one it's trying to solve.  Does anybody have any further insights here?


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